Making an appointment

You can call or email me (preferred) to make an appointment for general psychotherapy or couples/psychosexual and relationship therapy. I will usually respond within 12 hours.

Session information

All appointments are of 50 minutes duration unless otherwise agreed. Sessions can be held via zoom, they have the same charge out rate. Fees are payable in advance or at the time. Session fees rise annually. Contacting me via email implies that you are happy with this means of communication both now and in the future. Should this not be the case and you prefer telephone contact only please let me know or call me or text me on 074714 11978.

Couples or those in bonded relationships who are unable to attend weekly may request an intensive, which is sually two days, either togther or sperately of 5 hours each. These are offered with a collegaue and have a different charge out rate. Please ask me if you would like to enquire about this.

My emails are only viewed by me. Sending/replying to an email constitutes acceptance that your email address will be kept on record by me and may be used to communicate with you about appointments and so on. It will not be used for other purposes or shared with third parties.

You will be asked to sign a therapy agreement before we start work together, this will be emailed to you or given to you at the first session.


Please contact me for my fees for one to one or relationship/couples therapy. All sessions are of 50 mins. duration whether in room or via zoom. Fees are paid 24 hours prior to the session via bank transfer.

One off consultancy fees will have a different charge out rate. .

Relationship Resolve has a different fee scale which is clearly stated on the web site, please contact me directly or go to our website for this service.

Practice hours:

  • Monday - 09.30 - 17.30
  • Tuesday - 09.30 - 17.30
  • Wednesday - 09.30 - 17.30
  • Thursday - 09.30 - 17.30

Please note the last session commences at 17.30.

Individual Psychotherapy, couples therapy and relationship therapy can be challenging

At our first assessment session we will map out what your hopes, aims and goals are. Together we will decide if individual or couples psychotherapy or psychosexual/relationship therapy is the best and most helpful way forward for you.

Individual and/or couples counselling and therapy can enhance your life and relationships for the better and is a serious undertaking and commitment. Together we will work towards your life enrichment and enhancement. I don't offer pre assessment sessions.

Following your assessment we will decide together if we will have a time limited contract or an open ended one. I am happy to make onward recommendations if we both feel this is the best course of action. I will ask you for your home address, telephone numbers and G.P's details in the event that I consider it appropriate to contact them. I will inform you if I do.

Data Protection/Privacy

I store client contact details on my personal computer and phone, both of which require a login and are password protected before data can be accessed. Please let me know if you would prefer that I did not keep such data in your case. Your contact details are only seen by me. Your details are never shared with a third party unless I am legally required to do so. The voluntary data supplied by you is intended for the sole use of Judi Keshet-Orr. It is possible that the site will collect voluntary data e.g. name, contact number, email address. You contact information may also be stored on my iPhone, this is password/fingerprint protected.

I use conventional domestic email, which like all such services is not specially encrypted. If you are concerned about the breaches of privacy that might potentially occur in any such system, then please do not mail sensitive information, or choose an alternative means of communication. By all means call or text me on 074714 11978 All reasonable steps will be taken to protect the identifying information you provide. I have all safety measure is place to protect information to the best of my ability.

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how counselling or psychotherapy works, or to discuss my training, supervision or consultancy packages. This enables us to discuss the reasons you are thinking of coming to therapy, whether it could be helpful for you and whether I am the right therapist to help.

You can contact me on 074714 11978 if you would prefer to leave a message/text or speak to me first. I am happy to discuss any queries or questions you may have prior to arranging an initial appointment.

All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours. My emails are not encrypted so please do not use this form of communication if you are concerned about breaches of privacy that might inadvertently occur. Please copy all parties requesting therapy into your email.

©Judi Keshet-Orr

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